한글 자음(Korean Consonants)


  1. ㄱ (giyeok):
    Pronounced as [k] or [g], similar to the sound in "gate" or "gift." The sound is produced with a slight contact of the back of the tongue against the back of the upper teeth.
  2. ㄴ (nieun):
    Pronounced as [n], like the 'n' in "nose" or "name."
    It's an alveolar nasal where the tongue touches the roof of the mouth to produce the sound.
  3. ㄷ (digeut):
    Pronounced as [t] or [d], akin to the sound of "door" or "dance." It's an alveolar plosive made by placing the tongue against the ridge behind the upper teeth and releasing it.
  4. ㄹ (rieul):
    Pronounced as [r] or [l], depending on its position in the word. It is similar to "lake" or "rice" sounds. This is a liquid sound where the tongue taps the alveolar ridge briefly or can be held against it for a lateral release.
  5. ㅁ (mieum):
    Pronounced as [m], like in "milk" or "moon."
    It's a bilabial nasal sound produced by closing the lips and allowing the air to pass through the nose.
  6. ㅂ (bieup):
    Pronounced as [p] or [b], it can be heard in words like "bus" or "boy." This is a bilabial plosive where the lips come together and then release the air for the sound.
  7. ㅅ (siot):
    Pronounced as [s] or [ʃ], similar to the 's' in "slide" or "sky" and the 'sh' in "shoes" or "shut." It's a sibilant sound produced by directing air toward the teeth.
  8. ㅇ (ieung):
    Has no sound when it starts a syllable but is pronounced as [ŋ] when it ends a syllable, similar to the 'ng' in "king" or "song." It's a velar nasal sound that resonates in the nasal cavity.
  9. ㅈ (jieut):
    Pronounced as [tɕ] or [dʑ], it sounds like a combination of 't' and 'sh' in English, as in "juice" or "jam." It's an alveolo-palatal affricate produced by a fast tongue touch to the mouth's roof.
  10. ㅊ (chieut):
    Pronounced as [tʃ] or [dʒ], it's similar to the 'ch' in "church" or 'j' in "jam." It's a postalveolar affricate made by a fast tongue touch to the roof of the mouth, followed by a fricative release.
  11. ㅋ (kieuk):
    Pronounced as a more robust [k], it's an aspirated sound similar to the 'k' in "kit" but with a puff of air.
  12. ㅌ (tieut):
    Pronounced as a more robust [t], like the 't' in "top," but aspirated with a puff of air.
  13. ㅍ (pieup):
    Pronounced as a more robust [p], similar to the 'p' in "pop," but with an aspirated release.
  14. ㅎ (hieut):
    Pronounced as [h], like the 'h' in "hat" or "hair."
    It's a glottal fricative produced in the throat.
Each sound may change slightly depending on its position in a syllable and the vowels accompanying it.
※ The pronunciation will be uploaded in a separate video.


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