한글의 자음과 모음의 결합(Combination of Korean Consonants and Vowels)

가 (ga): Consonant: 'ㄱ' (g/k), similar to the 'g' in "go". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a), as in "father". Combination: 'ㄱ' + 'ㅏ' = 가 (ga).

나 (na): Consonant: 'ㄴ' (n), like the 'n' in "no". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㄴ' + 'ㅏ' = 나 (na). 다 (da): Consonant: 'ㄷ' (d), similar to the 'd' in "dog". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㄷ' + 'ㅏ' = 다 (da). 라 (la): Consonant: 'ㄹ' (l), similar to the 'l' in "flower". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㄹ' + 'ㅏ' = 라 (la). 마 (ma): Consonant: 'ㅁ' (m), as in "mom". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅁ' + 'ㅏ' = 마 (ma). 바 (ba): Consonant: 'ㅂ' (b/p), similar to 'b' in "ball" Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅂ' + 'ㅏ' = 바 (ba). 사 (sa): Consonant: 'ㅅ' (s), as in "see". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅅ' + 'ㅏ' = 사 (sa). 아 (a): Consonant: 'ㅇ' (silent/ng) acts as a mute placeholder in the initial position. Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅇ' + 'ㅏ' = 아 (a). 자 (ja): Consonant: 'ㅈ' (j), similar to 'j' in "jug". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅈ' + 'ㅏ' = 자 (ja). 차 (cha): Consonant: 'ㅊ' (ch), as in "chop". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅊ' + 'ㅏ' = 차 (cha). 카 (ka): Consonant: 'ㅋ' (k), a stronger 'k' sound. Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅋ' + 'ㅏ' = 카 (ka). 타 (ta): Consonant: 'ㅌ' (t), a strong 't' sound. Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅌ' + 'ㅏ' = 타 (ta). 파 (pa): Consonant: 'ㅍ' (p), a strong 'p' sound. Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅍ' + 'ㅏ' = 파 (pa). 하 (ha): Consonant: 'ㅎ' (h), as in "hot". Vowel: 'ㅏ' (a). Combination: 'ㅎ' + 'ㅏ' = 하 (ha). Each of these syllables is a fundamental building block in the Korean language, formed by the systematic combination of consonants and vowels in Hangul.


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